There is a new craze in town. Everybody is going dodo over donuts. Since this shop opened its doors, it has been filled with long queues. Throngs of people swarm the outlet, eager to have the experience of tasting donuts. The intensity of their eagerness might lead them to camp outside the shop if they have to. These people are diagnosed with the "new loo" syndrome. The symptom of the syndrome is whenever a new shop opens, it will be packed. But after a while, the craze fades and so does the business. For the moment, the craze appears to stay.
To get to the core of the craze is to get hands on. Hence I got hold of a box of donuts. The design of the box reminds me of the backdrop of my blog. See the similarity?

The donuts come in different colours and there are a variety of different flavours to choose from. The donuts that make the cut.

From left to right.
Top row: Chocolate, Kiwi and Durian.
Bottom row: Cherry, Chocolate-cappuccino and Cheese.
I don't remember the fancy donut names so I am just naming the flavours.The Cherry flavoured donut is lovely. The sourish cherries neutralised the sweetness of the donut although the donut itself was not really sweet. The Cheese donut was lovely too. It has a nice blend of sweet and salty. The appearance of the Durian donut caught my attention. It stood out amidst the other rainbow coloured ones. Its appearance reminded me of a blow fish. However, it tastes so-so only. The Chocolate-cappuccino donut was also so-so only. The Chocolate donut was ok. Overall, Big Apple did a better job than the other existing flavoured donut shops because Big Apple donuts are less sweet.