I bought a bag in August. Nothing very extraordinary. Not flashy. Just thought that it would be big enough for me to stuff all my stuff into it, leaving my hands free to dangle.The bag is called 'Bowl me over'. I only realised that when cutting the tag. There were three colours to choose from. Black, White and Pink. Initially I wanted to get the white but on second thought whites get dirty easily. So skip. The pink one was kinda catchy. Bright electric pink. But doesn't go well with all colours. Know what I mean. Like clothes. You can't carry an electric pink bag all the time. It won't match all colours. Besides the season for pink won't last long. Under the orange lighting your judgement for colours is inaccurate. Pink might look nice under orange lighting but might not under white lighting. So settled. Got the black one.
I carried my bag into the library. There's a stupid rule in my library that is you cannot carry bags into the library. They fear the precious books will get stolen. The thing is how can anyone steal a book when there's a bar code attached to the book? Before the person could even walk out with the book the alarms would go off. Secondly, who would want to steal old books? Anyway, back to the story. I was standing there, in the library looking at the magazine rack when the librarian walked passed me. He pointed at me and said " No bags". I replied "That's my handbag." The librarian said " Too big." He gave a throaty laugh and walked away. Anyway here are some pics for you people to judge. Is it really big?
This is how it looked when purchased.

This is how I carry it around.

Up close on the accessory.

A better view.

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