It is times like these that we see the different sides of people.
We have seen the many sides of Jang Geun Suk and couldn't agree more that he's beautiful.

The adorable Jang Geun Suk.
Jang Geun Suk's look as Kang Mu Kyul in Marry Me Mary.

His playful side.

In a beanie.

Erm...Don't know which show or occasion perhaps normal hair look?

As Kang Geun Woo in Beethoven Virus.

Bumming around days.

....and always on the phone.

Some F1 event.

In the pool

His younger days.

He's even more beautiful now in the eyes of his fans because of his generosity and beautiful heart. Jang Geun Suk pledged to donate 10 million Yen to the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Victims.
He's the knight in shining armor to Geum Jan Di in Boys Over Flowers, and Oh Ha Ni in Playful Kiss. He's not just a knight in shining armor in Korean Dramas, he's a knight in shining armor in real life too. Kim Hyun Joong pledged to donate 100 million Won to the victims of the Japan natural disaster victims.

Being the shining stars that they already are, Jang Geun Suk and Kim Hyun Joong of Korea shine even more with their Hearts of Gold.
Being surrounded by selfish and horrid individuals, it's truly a relief to know that there are still individuals with hearts of gold out there.
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