Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lipstick Sample

Two days ago, I decided to try out the lipstick sample that have been sitting in my drawer (since I got it some time back). It is a miniature lipstick the size of the tip of a pinky. I removed the plastic seal, and began to remove the cap of the lipstick. It was quite tight so I used a little strength and pulled harder in an attempt to separate the cap from the lipstick. The instant the cap is free from the "body", the lipstick snapped into two. The break was so severe that two thirds of the lipstick was detached from the body. My swift fingers managed to prevent the detached tip from landing on the ground. That however, made a mess on my fingers. I attempt to re-attached the tip to the body but it didn't resemble its original form. Since my fingers were already covered with lipstick, I dabbed my lips with the smudge on my fingers. Very environmental friendly aren't I? Recycling the smudge.

Note to self:

In future, put the lipstick in the refrigerator before uncapping. I should have known the lipstick melted after being in my oven of a room for so long. Otherwise, do not use it when in a hurry to avoid from such a messy situation (like I was in that day). Another alternative is to not try out the sample.

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