In about 8 and a half hours, we'll be bidding farewell to 2011. This year has certainly passed by real quickly. It seems not too long ago it was only January. Seems that the fast forward button had been hit for 2011.
For me, 2011 had been a rather good year. I had done things I never had the courage to do. Started a new chapter in life. Stepped out from my comfort zone. Met new people. Some good some bad. Reconnected with some from the past. Have new responsibilities and commitments. Being "idolised". Changed my hairstyle (back to the style I had for most of my childhood). Hairstyle being imitated. Participated in activities that I would never volunteer myself for (not by choice). Being forced into something without my consent (might be for the better or worse, yet to know. Will only find out sometime in 2012). Albeit having several setbacks. Overall it has been rather fruitful.
2011, thank you for the good times and please bring along with you the bad and rotten ones. May 2012 be a better one. Farewell 2011.
Penny’s first audition
2 years ago