Sunday, July 27, 2014


I have not written about the tragedies of MH 370 and MH 17, namely because, it seems like an attention seeking act. It is also pretty pointless to repeat everything that is already reported in the news. It is also because, I'm no expert in aviation and forensic investigation. And writing a condolence message on a page that no one reads is rather silly and it screams attention whore. Reading about these tragedies is shocking and upsetting. No one person deserves to die in such manner. No individual has the right to determine the destiny or fate of another person. At times like these, it makes one wonder, why is god unfair? Is there even a god? Why didn't god do anything to stop these tragedies? Anyway, I was informed that a former schoolmate's husband is one of the victims in MH 17. Another schoolmate also lost her cousin in MH 17. As hippocratic as it may sound, after the whole description above, I can only say, deepest condolences to those two schoolmates.

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