Phone scams are really getting out of hand. Perpetrators are still using their same old tactics on unsuspecting victims. This happened again today ( 25 August,2014), around 4.50p.m. The perpetrator called for the first time 20 minutes earlier, asking for my derp. Derpina, thinking that it was some credit card pusher, said that he's busy and told the caller to call back later (mistake number one. Never tell the caller to call back. Just cut them off). The diligent perpetrator called back exactly 20 minutes later. He asked to speak to derp. Derpina passed the call to Derp. The perpetrator then proceeded with his plan. He told Derp that he is calling from AM Bank. He then elaborated that Derp has an outstanding housing loan of over hundreds of thousand with AM Bank. The reason for that call is to collect the outstanding debt. Derp then asked the caller, where is the house? The caller said that it's in PJ, some SS something(mumble). He quickly drift to another topic saying he is actually from a company called *something Kudrat Partners & Co in Butterworth ,assigned by AM Bank to be a debt collector. He doesn't have particulars of the location of the house. Some lady by the name Zainab gave him the list of names and numbers to contact. Derpina, was already fuming at the side snatched the receiver from Derp and started screwing the caller. The caller started defending himself and told Derpina that he is just doing his job. After a long period of cursing, the caller managed to calm Derpina down. Derpina told him that they are pensioners and don't have any business with AM Bank ( mistake number 2. Never give them any kind of details about yourself. The perpetrators can start plotting and extrapolate from there). She then asked him whether banks give out loans to pensioners. Derpina, being stupid, started telling the caller that they only have bank account with Tiger Bank. The caller was very quick. He said to her " then you better go to the National Bank to confirm since your name is already blacklisted". Derpina thought that the caller was being very helpful started apologising for swearing earlier. She then asked for his name and contact number. He told her his name is Johnson Kaur (don't know whether it's real) and his number is
3904003. He told her to contact AM Bank HQ at
03-20581907. So, Derpina thanked him and hung up. She wanted to dial the given number to conform with AM Bank. Derpina's daughter Derpette, stopped her. Derpette then looked up AM Bank's number from Google. It is a toll free number
1300 80 8888. Derpina called that toll free number and was directed to the customer service personnel, izham. She related the situation to the personnel and reiterated that they( she and her family) have never had any business with AM Bank. She asked the personnel to check. The personnel told her that since she doesn't have any account or business with the bank, she should just ignore the call. It is a scam. And they have received several calls on the same issue. It's appalling that even with Personal Data Protection Act 2010, customer particulars are still being misappropriated. Are controls lax in banks and telcos?
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