Thursday, August 03, 2006


Wonder if anyone remembers the Kronk, the villian's side kick from the Emperor's New Groove? Anyway, I have a lecturer who resembles Kronk. Everytime I look at him, Kronk appears in my mind. Well this Kronk is not as muscular as the original Kronk. In fact he is the exact opposite of Kronk. The genuine Kronk has a huge upper body and a tiny lower body. Kronk the lecturer on the other hand has a big lower body and a unmuscular upper body. Kronk the lecturer also has a double chin and curly hair.

The other day in class, BG (which stands for big girl, not because she's huge or anything but because she's older than me) asked me something. Was being courteous by answering BG. So coincidentally Kronk turn around and saw my mouth open. He then told me off. Hmph.It doesn't pay to be nice. Anyway BG has a habit of asking me things when the lecturer is talking in front.And she never gets into trouble for it. I on the other hand, is always the black sheep. Baaa.

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