Sunday, December 13, 2009

Resisting Sleep

Here I am again. Sitting in front of my laptop typing away when I should be snuggled up in bed fast asleep long ago. I don't know what has gotten into my system but I have been having difficulties sleeping. It has been a while now. I do not have the luxuries of afternoon naps like I used to back during high school time. (The thing is I was full of energy back in high school. Ever so busy with my extra-curricular activities, and yet I can still find time to take a nap. I suppose it's the sign of "age catching up".) In fact I don't nap at all in the afternoon these days. Probably it's the caffeine effect. I should really cut down on my coffee consumption. Especially on Nescafe.

I have come to realise that Nescafe has been the cause of my constant gastric attacks. In fact the more I consume Nescafe, it has dawned upon me that I do feel a little high if it happens to be a little thick, or when I take a little more than a cup a day, or when taken within short intervals i.e. two cups within 2-3 hours.In short, I makes me feel unwell after consumption. Nevertheless, I still need it as a daily dose of booster. Seriously, I really need to get some sleep. My brain needs the rest it well deserves. And the cricket calls is getting on my nerves. Gosh, am I turning into Edward Cullen's kind? Chuckles. Sweet Dreams.

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