Monday, June 07, 2010

Cursed By The Cold Bug

I was cursed by the cold bug when I woke up from my slumber yesterday. I couldn't stop sneezing. My nose was like a faulty running tap. I kept sneezing and blowing my nose till it hurt so badly. I decided to let my antibody do the fighting. When my antibody could no longer fight the cold bug, I had to resort to taking the cold medication.

All was well after I took the cold medicine. My nose stopped running and I was active as ever. All was well until the effects of the medication starts kicking in. I began feeling drowsy and my whole body became limp. All that I was able to do was to lie down. I tried to get some sleep to overcome it but all that I was able to do was to drift in and out of sleep. The hangover of the medication was indeed terrible. But it indeed managed to stop the sneezing and runny nose right after the medicine is consumed.

As it was the last pill I had, I asked my mum to buy me some from the pharmacy. When she got back she informed me that the pharmacist said that the medicine is no longer available as it contained some controlled substance favoured by drug addicts. No wonder the hangover was so severe. Laughs. I took the final control substance medication and ended up with a terrible hangover.

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