Politics is in the air. Everywhere, everyone is suddenly experts in politics. Really baffling. People who normally behave like cowards are suddenly pro politics. Fighting for rights. Seriously? Rolls Eyes.
Anyway,there was a little chat on politics between me and a friend of mine yesterday. It wasn't intended but he happens to be really into politics lately. It was all because of an error in a game.
Friend: I checked. It's supposed to be LV. But mixed up. email to complain.
Me: You playing the game? Or programmer? (Blah Blah)
Friend: Try. It's a small company. Email directly to the creators.
Me: You have been in UK too long.
And that sentence sparked the whole politic laced with insult lecture. And why do I tolerate that? Well, that's because I'm the bigger person. Always have been.
Friend: What that got to do?
Me: Brits like to complain. Lol
Friend: Lol. Not really. Just a little more than Malaysians but not more than Americans. But not complain. more like take action. Malaysians complain but no action.
Me: You are Malaysian. Chill.
Friend: Chill your face.
Me: Who? Why so rude?
Friend: Keep saying chill for what?
Me: Cause you are getting all defensive. Going to war?
Friend: Exactly. It's annoying that you think that.
Me: you sound like that.
Friend: Have you registered to vote?
Fast forward conversation.
Me: Why can't our politicians look like Thai politicians?
Friend: Huh...Thai? What? Bimbo warning...
Me: Who are you calling bimbo?
Friend: You, for seeing the world in such simplistic view.
Me: I'm not agreeing to how they rule. I'm referring to the appearance. More pleasant looking.
Friend: I'm assuming they look like boy band right? That's bimbo 101 right there.
Me: Ya Ya Genius.
Friend: It's okay. you vote, you can complain.
Friend: And the last (country withheld) PM was a dick.
Me: A good looking dick.
And so that is politics to us.
Seriously, they should appoint more pleasant looking people to be politicians. Why appoint people that look like cunning perverts? Afterall, we have to "face" them for the following term that they serve.