Why bother to sign up for a race around the world when your life is already one? Why sign up to be tortured and push over your limits when it greets you in the face everyday from the minute you open your eyes? The only difference is, you don't get the prize money in the end.
My life has been the live version of "The Amazing Race" right from the beginning. There are roadblocks after roadblocks. One barricade after another. Just when you think you have reached the pit stop, the torture starts all over again. And the amazing thing is, I didn't even sign up for it.
There is not just one mastermind in "my" race. There are infinite numbers of them. And you will never know when they will launch attack at you. There is no dodging as you never know which direction they will come charging. When you finish one lag of the race, you do not get words of praise or a pat on the back for doing a good job. Instead you hear insults and words that bring you down.
Why do people find pleasure in the suffering of others? Well that's because they are sore losers that find gratification in bringing others down. They are failures in their own lives and the only way they can console themselves of their pathetic existence is through bringing others down. Sadly though, karma does not apply to this ever multiplying species. Karma only applies to those who have a good heart. They don't even know what karma is. All they know is kurma. With more joining the pack, "The Amazing Race" will never come to an end. More rice to go with the kurma!
Penny’s first audition
2 years ago
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