Sunday, February 08, 2009

Skin Deep

Recently my skin has been really dry. I have not experienced this before. Usually it just gets better by itself. However I think the problem is skin deep this time. It started out as dry skin. Thinking that it is due to lack of moisture, I applied moisturiser X to my face. The moisturiser didn't help much as my skin still felt tight so I decided to use another type of lotion.

I applied lotion Y onto my face yesterday thinking that it might be better since the description was sevenfold (the label states the seven uses(wonders) of the lotion). Not long after applying the lotion, my face began to itch. Trying to ignore the itch, I went to bed. But the itch just got worse. So I got up and washed my face to get rid of the lotion. However, after washing, the itch persisted. In fact it got worse. It itched throughout the night. I hardly had any sleep because it itched so badly.

My face has itched the whole day and is now covered in red patches. What do I do now? I have tried using ice to soothe the itch but it only works when the ice is on my face. I can't stop the itch and I am worried about the effects of the itch. Help! I need a dermatologist's advice. Please assure me that it is just an allergic reaction towards the cosmetic product.

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