Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Coaster" Highway

Just the other day, when I logged into Facebook, I saw a post that made me laugh my head off. It was posted by someone who claims she is genius in everything and the rest of the world are retards. She posted " Stuck in stupid jam at COASTER HIGHWAY". What the hell.

I suppose having a baby made her lose half of her brains. Or perhaps she didn't have much to begin with. She couldn't tell the difference between COASTER and COASTAL. Coaster Highway. HAHAHAHA. No wonder she's stuck in it.

Anyway, I do not usually penalise people for spelling mistakes but because she is an anal bitch that attacked me for no apparent reason, it is only just that a post is written on her pathetic mistake.


Anonymous said...

true example of wrath of a woman. never cross their paths. haha

Anonymous said...

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similar in the past? Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You guys been in the position of running around with dental problems and toothaches? I'm sure you do that's why a lot of you are nerds. lol looking for drugs and money because you need porcelain veneers. anyway, i'm not selling anything or anything but i do want to encourage everyone to look up veneers. google it or find it somewher or ask your dentist. it is the freaking best thing the world.

all that dirty candy that those cum guzzlers at mars got you tricked you and got you andyour kids running around looking like the wicked witches and wizards of the west.

You go to the denstist and get a cleaning but what the hell is that going to do? You've got caved in teeth, appalachan mountain teeth, rocky mountain teeth, and general crackhead related teeth.

It's rough on you I know but it's true. I used to be the same way. I did happen to spend a couple g's on some veneers in atlanta ga (google it if you're not from the US). Now I do give a happy smile on every occasion i meet a face, in abstract to the past where it's hide the smile! But anyway some of you might definitely need to undergo such a process.

You should also notice, it's a great way to continue the medical industry and make sure we have motivated dentists to come up with new innovative ways to fix our teeth. veneers is a big step over gold and silver teeth replacements which are gaudy and look crazy.

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Anonymous said...

hey, your comments area has been used as an advertising area.

Anonymous said...

What's the dumbass' name?

Anonymous said...

The dumbass is probably called STUPID!!! HAHAHA