Tuesday, August 09, 2016


I was in a shop browsing when this person said something out loud. I looked up to see if that voice was talking to me. Indeed it was. A middle aged uncle started repeating what was spoken earlier. I thought that I couldn't understand because I wasn't paying attention as I wasn't aware that he was talking to me. I listened carefully to what he was saying. But I couldn't understand a word that he was saying. He looked at me and repeated what he said earlier again. For the third time. I stared cluelessly at him. He finally realised I don't understand what he was saying, and quickly walked away. Right after he passed to my other side, he spoke to me again. This time in English. He asked, " You are local?". I replied, "yes". He immediately added, " You are not from Indonesia?". I said, "No". And walked away. I was browsing another spot when he started talking to me again. I just smiled and walked off. I do get asked a lot about my nationality. Usually when they find out about my name. I do get asked a lot whether I'm Japanese or korean or from china (gasp). This is the first time I'm asked if I'm Indonesian. I wasn't even wearing makeup. Did I look heavily makeup-ed or look so terrible that he thought I was a maid? 

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