Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Very Well Said

I came across this very well phrased passage from a blog. It is from a guy's perspective of how to treat a girl. From this entry, it shows that this guy is a true gentleman and really loves his girlfriend. He is probably the last of a true gentleman alive (although I do not know whether or not he is in person. But judging from his entry, he definitely fits the term gentleman).

Anyway this is how he said it:

Telling your girlfriend she has to clean your room, wash your clothes and do the dishes while you play your Xbox, PS3 or DotA using a stupid excuse like:

"If you don't start now, in the future you definitely won't do it"

Eh, excuse me, our girlfriends did not go through 11 years of school, 1 year of pre-U, and 3 years of university to graduate and become your maid. But, if you insist that she should be your maid, then please pay her adequately. Otherwise, man up, grow some balls and do it yourself.


Total admiration for this guy. His girlfriend is truly one lucky girl. Guys should appreciate their girlfriend and treat them well and not expect them to be like their maid or mother. A truly honorable gentleman. Just like the last samurai, this is the last gentleman.

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