Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hybrid Lizard

Last night, a black lizard appeared in the kitchen. I was instructed to kill it. Hence, equipped with a can of insecticide, I walked towards the wall where the black lizard was and sprayed it with insecticide. It didn't run in fear. Instead it lifted it's tail and waved, either as a challenge or fanning the insecticide away. It then moved further up the wall. Suddenly it lost balance and fell onto the cabinet. Mum screamed and told me to spray more. So I did. But the lizard quickly went under the microwave. I bent and peek under the microwave. Before I knew it. It hopped out from under the cabinet. Yes, you read correctly and I typed correctly. The black lizard hopped instead of crawl like normal lizards do. I was instructed to kill lit with the fly swatter. So I sprayed more insecticide on it and hit it with the fly swatter. It wasn't soft like normal lizards. It was hard. After hitting it once, it remained still. I thought it was dead so I was going to pick it up with the tongs. Suddenly it moved. I was startled. I reached for the fly swatter. This time I hit the black lizard harder. It looks motionless, so I picked it up with the tongs and got rid of it. This is my first encounter with a hopping lizard. It hopped like a frog. Dark, hard skinned frizzard.

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