Friday, March 07, 2014


The lower eyelid of my left eye is still twitching. It has been 3 days already. It's like Miley Cyrus is there doing her twerking. I was worried so I did a little look up. Some of the results state that it's probably due to dry eyes ( but my eyes aren't dry), I can't remember the other reasons. But one that caught my attention was Tourette syndrome. Touchwood. I just hope it's due to dry eyes. Anyway, speaking of series of unfortunate events, one happened two nights ago. I was rudely awaken by mosquito attack. The irritating creatures bit me all over my face. I wanted to just let it slide but it got too unbearable. The itch got worse cause the mosquitoes bit me all over my face. So I got up, turn on the lights and tried to catch the mosquitoes. They were nowhere to be found. So I went out to wash my face to reduce the itch. When I got back in and was about to turn off the lights, in came a bee. What on earth. So I had to go out and grab the insecticide to kill the bee. Went up to the bee and sprayed bug spray on it. It didn't die immediately, but the whole room was filled with the smell of insecticide. I had no other choice but to move to another room to sleep.

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