*Ahem (Clears Throat)
Given a couple of years ago, I would have scorn at the idea of myself listening to Chinese music, let alone downloading them. But I guess time and age does change a person. Things that were once avoided, may be something that you embrace now. Touch wood. But..but.. I have to clarify, I'm not Cina-fied.
I can't read a word of Chinese nor can I write Chinese. However, unbeknownst to others, I'm rather fluent in speaking. I can actually converse pretty well, if you don't take into account the grammatical errors of proper Chinese. People are actually surprised when I reply them in Chinese. Many think that I don't understand and will gossip and bad mouth using Mandarin and other dialects.
Anyway, there are several songs that have been playing on tv repetitively and somehow sort of etch in my memory. So, without knowing the title and singer, I randomly googled them (using words that I hear repeated throughout the song - which is probably the title) in English and resorting to my lousy pinyin (not Chinese characters) when the search result doesn't meet my expectations. I managed to locate what I was searching for and downloaded them. Pats back. There is however one song that is merged together with another song. No other search results appeared apart from the one that I found. So I googled cut song and randomly select one. Viola. Managed to cut the song. *Proud of self.
Kids nowadays who happen to read this will mock me and laugh. Bitch please, we did this when we were 3.