Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I'm rather annoyed with iTunes. It is all because lappy was reformatted, and became blank as a sheet. Then somehow iTunes sort of changed. I tried to add some songs to the iPod but still couldn't manage to get anything into the iPod. Stupid. So I was randomly clicking around in iTunes. Trying to transfer the iPod's contents to iTunes so that I won't lose anything when I sync iTunes with the  iPod. Somehow it is an anal process. Regardless of what I did, nothing works. I'd even authorized the computer as per the iTunes description. Nothing works. So I tried signing in. Somehow my password didn't seem to work. So it prompt iTunes to direct me to the forgot password step. Due to the anal password requirement, was forced to come up with a password that is difficult to remember. Whoever came up with this requirement for password setting, fuck you. Because I was directed to this step, all my devices had to adopt this new password. Should have aborted the process. Sigh. I foresee myself forgetting this new password the next time I'm asked for it. Screw you iTunes. Not only the mission to get new songs into the iPod fail, now all my other device have to use this new password. Anal. Seriously pissed. Not user friendly at all. 

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